DUI Lawyer
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DUI Lawyer: How to Avoid a Criminal Record After a Guilty DUI Case

When you are convicted of a DUI in Canada, you will have the charge attached to your permanent record forever. That means facing severe implications for the rest of your life, such as difficulties getting a job and paying higher insurance premiums. But there are always ways in which you can avoid having the charge attached to your criminal record.

Get A DUI Lawyer To Argue The Case For You

The first step to trying to remove a DUI from your record is by not getting it in the first place. Start searching for a DUI or criminal defence lawyer in Edmonton as soon as possible. They will be able to help you with your case. And if you are convicted, can help you remove the DUI.

See If The Impaired Driving Lawyer Can Get You A ‘Recorded Suspension

While not necessary a method in removing the charge from your permanent record, a ‘recorded suspension’ (also known as a pardon, but has since been renamed) can help your make your life a little easier – down the line. If you have not committed any further offences following your DUI conviction, meet the eligibility requirements, and after a period of five years, you can apply. It will not erase the DUI from your record, but it will seal it so that employers are not able to see it.

Apply For A Curative Discharge With Your Defence Lawyer

For those with repeated offences, the only hope of removing a DUI from the record is to attempt to apply for a ‘curative discharge’. To apply for this, you have to prove you suffer from a substance abuse problem and you require treatment, which has to be established by a psychologist. You have to meet the criteria demanded by the court, such as:

  • Proving motivation to overcome the addiction
  • Committing to treatment
  • Going through a period of probation unscathed

If you can do so, then your DUI record will be discharged from your record. It is best to speak to your DUI lawyer in Edmonton in regards to this approach.

Dunlap Law provides the legal support and representation you need for your criminal case. Dunlap law is experienced with impaired driving or criminal offence cases. Send an email to dunlaplaw@shaw.ca or give us a call. Calgary: (403) 474-8222 | Edmonton: (780) 428-2267 | Toll Free: 1-866-247-2264

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